Easter: Weaving the Tapestry of Death & New Life
O God,
your saving plan has brought us
to the glory of this night.
Slaves, we become your sons and daughters,
poor, your mercy makes us rich,
sinners, you count us among your saints.
Bring us to know the place tat is ours
in the unfolding story of your purpose,
and instill in our hearts
the wonder of your salvation.
Grant this through Jesus Christ,
our Passover and our peace,
who lives and reigns with you
now and always
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
God forever and ever.
In this Lent & Easter program, our three presenters will each reflect on biblical texts that are used in the liturgical celebration of Easter. Firstly, Jessie looks at the Servant Songs of Isaiah, exploring what it means to be the "Servant of God." Secondly, Seán reflects on how John understands and presents the Passion Narrative in the Fourth Gospel. Thirdly, Kieran reads Romans 6:1-11 and what Paul teaches about how God's faithfulness is revealed through the death and resurrection of Christ.
For a 2-3 minute detailed summary of what each presenter will talk about in these topics, please see the videos immediately below, and scroll down further for the full presentations from each speaker:
"Behold My Servant" – The Servant of the Lord in Isaiah
"You are My Servant, I Have Chosen You
and Not Cast You Off"
Part One – Background & Context
In this presentation, Jessie explores the world in which the prophet spoke in order to lay a foundation upon which to look at what Isaiah has to say about the Servant of the Lord.
"Who Among you Fears the Lord and
Obeys the Voice of his Servant"
"The Righteous One, My Servant,
Shall Make Many Righteous"
"And When I Am Lifted Up, I Will Draw All People to Myself" – Easter in John
"As Moses Lifted Up the Servant in the Wilderness, So Must the Son of Man Be Lifted Up"
Part One – Preparation for the Passion in the Gospel of John
In this first presentation, Seán looks at the theme of preparation for the Passion in John who has a deeply thought-out theology of the events of Jesus's death.
"They Will Look on Him Who They Have Pierced"
Part Two – The Passion Narrative in the Gospel of John
In this presentation, Seán explores the Passion narrative itself (John 18-19) and asks what it might mean for us that John presents the death of Jesus in the way that he does.
"Peace Be With You. As the Father has Sent Me,
so I Send You"
Part Three – Easter in the Gospel of John
In this final presentation, Seán looks at how John represents and shares the story of Christ's resurrection (John 20), and where we are led by all of John's portrayals of these key events in Jesus's life.
"Dying and Raised to New Life in Christ" – Salvation in Romans
"So We Too Might Walk in Newness of Life"
Part One – Cross
In this presentation, Kieran looks at Romans 6:3-4 where Paul speaks of the crucifixion and death of Jesus, and how the faithfulness of Christ discloses the faithfulness of God to all humanity.
"Our Old Self was Crucified with Him so that
the Body of Sin Might be Destroyed"
Part Two – Resurrection
In this presentation, Kieran looks at what Paul teaches about the resurrection in Romans 6:5-7, and how, like the cross, God's faithfulness is revealed to all through the act of resurrection.
"Consider Yourselves Dead to Sin and
Alive to God in Christ Jesus"
Part Three – Life
In this final presentation, Kieran explores Romans 6:8-11 and how our life in Christ arises as a result of the resurrection of Jesus, with the Spirit enabling us to take to heart the faithfulness of God through Christ Jesus.