"On the Third Day He Rose, in Accordance with the Scriptures"


God of life and freedom,

you call us always to be free: 

free from everything that binds us,

free to do good. 

As we remember Christ,

 our Passover and our lasting peace,

help us to celebrate the feast 

with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth. 

Through Christ our Lord. 


Holy Thursday

"This Day Shall be a Day of Remembrance for You"

In this presentation, Kieran looks at the story of Exodus 12, wherein the first Passover celebration takes place in Egypt.

"For as Often as You Eat this Bread and Drink the Cup, You Proclaim the Lord’s Death Until He Comes"

In this presentation, Kieran looks at 1 Corinthians 11 where Paul recounts the events of the last supper to the early Christian community in Corinth that are divided amongst themselves.

Kieran suggests a moment of musical reflection on Ubi Caritas Et Amor in this video. Here are the links to the versions on Youtube:

"I Give You a New Commandment, that You Love One Another"

In this presentation, Kieran looks at the Last Supper according to John 13.

Kieran suggests a moment of musical reflection on The Servant Song in this video. Here is the link to a version on Youtube:

Good Friday

"Through Him the Will of the LORD Shall Prosper"

In this presentation, Seán looks at Isaiah 52 & 53 where the prophet describes the Suffering Servant, an image that finds connection with Christ in the Gospel stories.

"The Word of God is Alive & Active"

In this presentation, Seán looks at Hebrews 4 & 5 where Christ is described as a new High Priest.

"Then He Bowed His Head and Gave Up His Spirit"

In this presentation, Seán looks at John 18-19 where Jesus is betrayed, arrested, put on trial, and crucified.

Easter Vigil

"With Everlasting Love I Will Have Compassion On You"

In this presentation, Jessie looks at how salvation history is recalled at the Easter vigil through six of the seven Old Testament readings: Genesis 1:1-2:2; 22:1-18; Isaiah 54:5-14; 55:1-11; Baruch 3:9-15, 32-4:4; Ezekiel 36:16-28.

"I Will Sing to the LORD, for He Has Triumphed Gloriously"

In this presentation, Jessie looks at Exodus 14:15-15:1, the final Old Testament reading of the Easter Vigil where Moses and the Israelites cross the Red Sea out of Egypt.

"Do Not Be Afraid"

In this presentation, Jessie looks at the two final readings of the Easter Vigil: St. Paul's discourse on the defeat of sin in Romans 6:3-11, and the resurrection of Jesus according to Matthew 28:1-10.

Webinar Recordings

Webinar One – Meditation
(4th April 2023, 7:30pm)

Webinar Two – Q&A Session
(11th April 2023, 7:30pm)


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